How Much Can I Save With Solar Panels?

The easy answer is that you save the amount your system produces times the cost of purchasing that amount of electricity from your local utility. If you are leasing a system: you save the difference between what you pay the leasing company and what you would pay the local utility...
Posted On 13 May 2014

What Impact do Solar Panels Have on My Roof?

Properly installed panels will not damage your roof. In fact, they can help save it from future damage and extend the life of the roof since they absorb the sun rays that would otherwise hit and cause the roof to deteriorate. Typical solar panels weigh between 25-40 pounds each....
Posted On 13 May 2014

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

There are many factors that need to be considered when estimating the length of time solar panels will last. These include: The year the solar panels were produced The quality of the panel (higher quality panels tend to last longer) Time panel gets direct sun each day The EU...
Posted On 07 May 2014

What is a Kilowatt

A Kilowatt is how electricity (the flow of electrical power that is generated by the use of solar, fossil fuels, or nuclear) is measured and billed. A kilowatt is equal to 1000 watts. Sources:
Posted On 07 May 2014